Lettera di Luigi dei Orti Urbani di Garbatella:
C’è una lettera dai Orti di Garbatella,
Giornata di S O L I D A R I E T À
Sabato 7 Settembre dalle ore 10
Aiutaci a far rifiorire il Parco Garbatella in via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi
Una festa per rispondere con l’allegria e la voglia di ricominciare alle devastazioni dei giorni scorsi.
Pranzeremo insieme, canteremo con la musica degli artisti
che verranno a sostenerci,
giocheremo a calcetto con ASD Ardita San Paolo,
ci divertiremo con origami, tiro alla fune, corse nei sacchi,
e ci prenderemo cura del Parco.
Sarà lanciata una campagna di sottoscrizione per
i primi interventi di recupero.
Pianteremo i primi alberi. Sarà l’inizio di una campagna di
rimboschimento che continuerà in autunno
e nei mesi a seguire.
“Graditi contributi enogastronomici. Nel rispetto della riduzione dei
rifiuti, invitiamo a portare piatti e bicchieri da casa”.
insieme con legambiente.garbat@libero.it http://legambientegarbatella.blogspot.it
Garbatella Urban Gardens in Rome is a vast area saved from construction and open to public with a zen garden, community park and urban gardening and workshop plots. Free permaculture lessons were practiced in raised beds covered in mulch. Vegetable gardens, each with a proper character mirroring their gardeners’, were looking lush with the compost from their community bins. Surrounded with palazzoni, high buildings included the building of the Regione Lazio, and Cristoforo Colombo street, illegally used like a highway, these gardens are an urban oasis.
This friday night, anonymous haters destroyed a part of the community gardens in Via Rosa R. Garibaldi and cut 62 TREES at the public park. Young and adult olive, cherry, willow and larch trees and the garden hose for veggies and the trees are destroyed.
It’s not a simple act of vandalism, but seems like an attempt to hurt the space curated by the people. The garden community can’t think who could have done it. Thinking of the trees folded from branches into their roots breaks our hearts. But they also represent an attack to the work realized in these years by the citizens and associations of the neighborhood, to create a public space where people meet and socialize, free from speculations of the construction industry.
We won’t despair. We’ll plant more trees. And we’ll show that there’s no space in this city for those destroying public goods.
We are all with Garbatella Urban Gardens.
We’ll meet in Garbatella Urban Gardens in Via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi,
Saturday, September 7th at 10AM to plant trees and flowers.
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